Monday, June 30, 2008

Heartgard Coupon

There's a coupon good for $6.00 off Heartgard chewables for your dog. Heartgard protects your dog against heartworm, ringworm and other icky pests.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Dogs Delivered from Dire Deep Water

The United Animal Nations volunteers have been helping to rescue and rehabilitate the animal flood victims of the Midwest. Kudos!
These animals are being plucked off of rooftops and out of attics. They're scared and separated from their owners. A big round of applause for the volunteers for all their hard work.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Doggy Dream Homes

Wow, check out these dream homes for dogs! I'm in the same boat as the commenters, though. My dogs just wouldn't sleep in their own little house, unless it was inside the main house and they thought of it as their crate.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Dog Delivers Drowning Boy from Danger

Click here for the news report about a 4-year old Lab named Jake who lived up to his name on Friday when he swam out to rescue 12-year old Tony Bailey who was swimming in waters that were deeper than normal.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dozing Dobermans

Here are Buffy and Nemo asleep on the floor. Buffy snores and that cracks me up. It's just not very ladylike.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Missing My Babygirl

Three years ago today we had to say goodbye to our little Tiffy-girl. I miss her so. She lived a long, healthy life (after a puppyhood bout with Parvo) and she was spoiled. Her body just up and gave out on her. We took her in to a specialist because she would just walk around in circles constantly. The Doc took some x-rays and said she only had a month left. We had to let Tiffany go just a week later and it was heartbreaking.

I will always remember her zest for life, she had such enthusiasm. If you sat down and crossed your legs, she would position herself over your foot to get a belly rub.
Tiffany was a great Doberman and I am blessed to have had her in my life.